2024-08-14 15:35:34 -06:00

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Go module focused on recurring time periods

Defined Cadence Values

Key Description .
ANNUALLY once per year
BIANNUALLY every two years
BIMONTHLY every two months
BIWEEKLY every two weeks
DAILY every day
MONTHLY once per month
ONCE one time only
QUADWEEKLY every four weeks
QUARTERLY four times per year
SEMIANNUALLY twice per year
SEMIMONTHLY twice per month
TREANNUALLY every three years
TREQUADWEEKLY every twelve weeks
TRIANNUALLY three times per year
WEEKLY once per week


  • goCadenceVersion() -> string
    • Parameters: none
    • Return: string in the format of Major.Minor.Patch
    • A function that will return the version string to determine what features are available
  • New(key string) -> CadenceObj
    • Parameters: key(string)
    • Return: CadenceObj
    • Function to initialize a CadenceObj that follows the CadenceInf interface, defined via a key to identify the Cadence wanted


  • Properties:
    • String: A printable version of the cadence name
      • Example BIWEEKLY.String() -> "bi-weekly"
    • Description: a description of the cadence
      • Example: BIWEEKLY.Description() -> "every two weeks"
  • Methods:
    • TimesIn(cad CadenceObj) -> float64
      • Parameters: Cadence Object
      • Return: float64
      • A method to return the nunber of times the cadence will exist with the given cadence
        • Example -> A cadence of Semi-Annually will occur 2.0 times in a cadence of Annually

Misc. Notes

  • Cadence of SEMIMONTHLY currently defaults to the 15th and the last day of the month

Future Features

  • Setting to disallow Saturdays
  • Setting to disallow Sundays
  • Setting to disallow Holidays
  • Allow dates to be advanced to next day when disallowed
  • Allow dates to be pushed backward to previous day when disallowed